Hello There
Kate here again.
Hope you have all been safe and well.
Thanks very much for the Re-blogs, RTs & Likes on my blogs and on Twitter. Also very grateful for the lovely comments you have left for me.
They are very much welcomed and appreciated.
I don't know whether you suffer migraines like I do, but I wrote a poem about one I had this weekend which was my first in quite sometime (I'm blaming overexposure of my cranium to the sun the day before).
My sympathies to anyone who suffers from chronic migraines.
I know it seems odd to write a poem about it, but writing it helped me block some of it out.
If you don't have them yourself, it might give you a little idea of how bad they can be. It's not a 'headache' it's an electrical brain explosion which effects your eyesight, concentration and balance.
The poem is called 'Migraine' (I know - stretched myself to come up with that title!)
To counterbalance this, I have also posted a poem called 'A Bubble in Time'
I hope you like them
Best wishes
Kate x
I lie in
the blacked-out room
wet flannel draped across my forehead
strategically placed on one side of the bed
Glass of
water on the window ledge at my head
to just above the ‘recommended daily limit’
Even now
in this darkened abyss
In my
mind’s eye and striking every optical nerve
Like a
mad, jester harpist
Jagged multi-coloured
neon lights
eye-wateringly sharp
the black - like broken shards of glass
through my frontal cortex
the comfortable darkness
Like a
knife in the eye
I can’t
bear the daylight
I can’t
stand up as it feels like
I’m on
board a heaving sea vessel
equilibrium smashed against the rocks of pain
I can’t
read my beloved books
As the
words swim like little black tadpoles
In and
out of focus
like a bad 1950’s ‘flashback’ special effect
sharp pain makes me wince
An invisible
vice has my skull crushed in its grip
Until it
feels like I am actually upside down
cranium being pounded by ‘brain lightening’
Waves of
nausea and vertigo roll across my body
feels like I’ve eaten a kilo of cottage cheese
and still churning in its acid bath
Ready to
burst forth lava-like from my protesting innards
As the
bile rises and falls with each episode
– I hate you
Bubble in Time
If I could make a
bubble in time
I’d take us both inside
Where we’d be safe
From prying eyes
And everyday life
Like twinned stars in
the Universe
Dancing a waltz or two
To the sound of a
musical box band
An enduring ‘par de deux’
And see the stars as
they were
A billion years ago
Within this bubble all
The ‘Wheel of Ages’
would rest
And eternally we would
Drifting in our shiny
Floating in timeless primordial
© Kate McClelland 2015
Kate McClelland